Your Astrology & Tarot guides for this year's journey
Amanda Simon
Acutonics Practitioner
Amanda is an Astrologer, Artist, Acutonics practitioner, writer and educator who world weaves out of her various practices and perspectives, past and present. She advocates, with all her heart, amplifying the complexity and multiplicity of life. Through her works she care-fully co creates the capacity for a thick, plugged in participation with all that life brings and holds. Much of her training has been in the States where she has found an Astrological sensibility that weaves Hellenistic, Sumerian and Psychology Astrology thriving. These strands have been crafted into her own mythopoetic reading practice. Additionally she works with Planetary frequencies and is training in Psychotherapeutic modalities.
You can find her at
Email her at
Or follow her on Instagram at Pallasvesta
If you would like to find out more about a reading and how you could work together Amanda offers free 10 min chats.
Professional Tarot Reader, Teacher & Mentor
Meditation Teacher & Guide​
Shamanic Healing Practitioner
Reiki Master​
Tansy Baigent
Tansy has been involved in healing and holistic therapies for over ten years, and has been meditating and card reading since she was a child. It is her greatest desire to be a healing guide for others' and to show the profound richness of meditation and cards in helping us all to bring greater balance, harmony, clarity and joy to our lives.
Tansy's offerings include meditation teaching, holistic counselling, spiritual guidance, reiki and tarot card reading (& mentorship)
She works with everyone individually and intuitively; nourishing each journey and empowering everyone to step into their light. Spirit is within us all and often it is just a case of remembering.
Experience is our greatest teacher, others' are our greatest mirrors, trauma's our often our greatest lessons. Whatever we face or have faced we are not broken and are never alone; we are simply learning lessons or unlearning restrictive beliefs in order to liberate ourselves from blocks to giving and receiving love in order to truly shine with the light of our souls.
You can find Tansy at
Email her at
Or follow her on Instagram at tansy_alexandra
If you would like to find out more about a reading and how you could work together Tansy offers free 10 min chats.
10% Off Readings
**Members Only**
Ritual Guide
Isabelle Baigent
Isabelle makes award winning organic and biodynamic ritual and medicinal balms and oils.
Each month she crafts a bespoke fragrant ritual oil for purchase through Enchanting Fortuna and guides our monthly Ritual practice.
Find her at:
Etsy: isarosebodycare
Instagram: by.isa.rose
Yoga Guide
Georgie Crickmere
Georgie is an international yoga teacher, teacher trainer and mentor, holistic health coach and healer. She is guided in her teaching by the greatest lessons of life, as each moment unfolds. She holds a nurturing space for not only the body but also mind, heart and spirit to drop into with each moment.
In Georgie’s classes she encourages you to connect to your deeper sense of self, that inner wisdom which leads us through each day, knowing that it is our greatest teacher. She offers a supportive space and time to nurture your inner landscape, whatever you are facing moment by moment, and for you to shine a light to all that is being held within. Expect to leave Georgie’s sessions feeling a sense of awakening and connection to your true being.
She works with a variety of people through yoga, coaching and energy healing (Reiki), to help them live their life to their fullest, with more energy and more purpose.
Find out more about Georgie….
Instagram: @oneyogawellness