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'Cradling Cracks'

Delve deep into the myth, magic and meaning of Capricorn and The Devil as we

experience them from within their associated month.

A chance to live with the cycles, the seasons, the signs and our internal sensitivities.

Deepen the dreams, inspire the visions, gain practical insight for readings as we take you on a journey through January and its' corresponding Tarot Card; The Devil and Sign: Capricorn 


Join us for the Journey


A public podcast to discuss the month ahead, a look at the themes of January and the astrological and tarot associations of Capricorn and The Devil (find below)


A pre-recorded class to explore Capricorn and The Devil 'live' with Amanda and Tansy. The class will explore and deepen the themes from the Podcast and provide practical ways to use the sign and the card in readings. 


Sink into the energies of the month by working in harmony with the essence of January through meditation, ritual work and prayer. A live monthly ritual and an opportunity to ask your questions as we come into, and share, circle.* 


*Please note that this is only available when purchasing the monthly (or annual) packages (though feel free to enquire about availability).

January Month
January Month
Access ALL content from January
Webinar Recording


Our musings and media for the month. Keep checking back to discover all additions


Enchanting Fortuna

1 January 2020

The procession of zodiacal creatures across our night sky draws along seasonal changes. The rising of light - life are cultivated and cajoled by the zodiacal cycle. This on-going precession of our earthly soul offers reflections, cycles we can embody.


Enabling ecological attunement with the unchanging elegance of the starry heavens, the equivalent co-creation of our natural world, our own body/ being, the entwined relationality between the two...


Mythic Sea Goat

20 January 2020

Capricorn constellated through the Sea Goat straddles both the end of the year and the beginning. Harbours the soltice with all its stillness, darkness and tipping towards the Sun’s return as well heralding the beginning of the Roman calendar year.


An ashen time when life feels illusive, trees are bald bare, growth is standing still, animals are largely absent, the quite is dark in its depth. But somewhere within - below, life is kept alive, huddled to keep the warmth alive, the promise of light concentrated.

January Podcast 

Each month we will be releasing a new podcast episode in which we discuss the themes of the month and how you can work with the energies being offered.

Listen here.

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